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29. 11. — 30. 11. 2023
O2 universum

Přehled konference


Významná mezinárodní konference plně dedikovaná velkým tepelným čerpadlům se bude konat v srdci Evropy, v Praze. Konference pokrývá široké spektrum témat týkající se soustav zásobování teplem, průmyslových aplikací do 200°C, ale i propojení sektorů elektro-energetiky a teplárenství či akumulace. Součástí konference je večerní banket v restauraci Mlýnec vedle Karlova mostu a komentovaná prohlídka instalace tepelného čerpadla v Národním divadle využívající jako zdroj tepla řeku Vltavu. Nenechte si ujít tuto unikátní příležitosti dozvědět se nejnovější trendy v této oblasti od TOP Evropských speakerů!



Pražská plynárenská je jedním z největších distributorů zemního plynu v České republice s více než 425 tisíci zákazníky. Zasazujeme se o udržitelnou budoucnost dálkového vytápění v Praze, jehož nezbytnou součástí jsou velká tepelná čerpadla.



Dr. Jan

Principal and Director of European
Programmes at the Regulatory
Assistance Project (RAP)

Dr. Jan Rosenow byl jmenován jako jeden z 25 top světových influencerů v oblasti energetiky. Jan pravidelně poskytuje rozhovory a názory významným médiím jako například New York Times, Forbes, BBC, The Times, The Guardian či Bloomberg. Pracuje jako ředitel a hlavní manažer pro Evropské projekty v rámci projektu RAP(Regulatory Assistance Project). Jan je držitel titulu Ph.D. z Oxford University a titulu MSc z London School of Economics.


Paul Kenny

Director General @ European Heat Pump Association


Paul is a mechanical engineer with a Master’s degree in energy and is recognised as a leading energy policy expert in Ireland and the EU. Paul ran a local energy agency – an organisation promoting the transition to clean energy at a local level – for eight years. As part of this role he established an early and successful one stop shop, which brings together home energy upgrade services for consumers. He worked as an expert for the EU’s ManagEnergy programme, which supports local and regional governments as they work towards their energy savings targets.

More recently he has worked as the policy advisor to the Irish climate and energy Minister, having helped steer the transformation of the Irish energy system with a significant increase in building renovation, a large increase in heat pump and other renewable energy technology deployment. A recent publication shows Ireland has reduced its overall greenhouse gas emissions by 6.8% in 2023 vs 2022 to reach the lowest levels in 30 years, and this alongside a thriving economy. Ireland is projected to reach a 43% reduction in energy related greenhouse gas emissions from 2018 to 2030 according to the Irish Environmental Protection Agency new policies scenario.

Luigi Gigliotti

Associate Partner, Platform for Industrial Electrification leader @ McKinsey&Company


As the leader of the Platform for Industrial Electrification, I aspire to serve global industrial leaders and technology disruptors to optimize their portfolio, identify green business building opportunities and build more resilient supply chains so that they can fully capture the benefits of electrification and contribute to secure the net zero transition.

David JP Philips

Public Speaker, Coach, Best Selling Author, 11M views on TEDx


Storytelling is one of the worlds most ancient but at the same time most influential communication techniques and works wonders in sales, leadership and marketing! We follow the story, not the person. This talk is the worlds most viewed TEDx-talk and will give a tremendous insight WHY storytelling is king and HOW to get it right from a science perspective. David is international speaker, author, coach and a global authority on public speaking, communication and self-leadership. He was recently awarded as global communication expert No 8 by global gurus., He is best-known for his three TEDx-Talks, the first one being ”How To Avoid Death By PowerPoint”, the second ”The Magical Science of Storytelling” and the third, “THE 110STEPS of excellent communication” together accumulating a total of 12 million views. Add to that 200 million views on social media in the last 2 years and the best selling book “High on Life, translated to 34 languages.

Raymond Decorvet

Global Account Executive Mega heat-pumps @ MAN Energy Solutions


Raymond C. Decorvet has a degree in economics. His expertise is business development, sales and marketing. He spent 25 years in Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in various companies and management positions. For 7 years he was working for ABB in the Data Center segment looking after the largest international colocation providers. Since mid of 2018 he works for MAN Energy Solutions Switzerland in Global Business Development for Mega heat-pumps.

prof. Reinhard Radermacher

Director, Center for Environmental Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering @ Maryland Energy Innovation Institute, Center for Environmental Energy Engineering


Dr. Radermacher is an internationally recognized expert in energy conversion systems; in particular integrated Cooling, Heating and Power (CHP) Systems, heat pumps, air-conditioners and refrigeration systems. His work has resulted in over 500 publications, including 3 books, more than 200 invention records and 15 patents. He was a visiting scientist and NATO scholar at the National Institute of Standards and Technology before joining the University of Maryland. More info here: https://enme.umd.edu/clark/faculty/577/Reinhard-Radermacher

Sydney Wyatt

Sr. Director of Heating @ Honeywell


Sydney Wyatt is the Sr. Director of Heating at Honeywell where she leads a BTI (short for Break Through Initiative), identified by the company as a high-potential organic growth segment. This BTI incorporates Honeywell’s next-gen ultra-low GWP refrigerant solutions into heat pumps to accelerate the electrification and decarbonization of heat, with Europe as the first market of focus. These efforts help enable the region to safely and sustainably achieve their decarbonization goals, as outlined by RePower EU and Fit for 55, while at the same time, decreasing reliance on gas. Based in Munich, Germany, and originally from the southeastern United States, Sydney holds a BS and MBA from Clemson University in South Carolina. She and her team are responsible for growing and developing the adoption of heat pumps (and minimizing the use of fossil fuel burning systems such as gas boilers). This effort is focused across all heating applications and end-uses, ranging from residential and commercial to industrial and district heating. One of the things Sydney loves most about her job is seeing the direct link between her decarbonization work and the positive impact to the environment.

Petr Heincl

Předseda dozorčí rady Prometheus, energetické služby, a.s. a Vedoucí Odboru Teplárenství @ Pražská plynárenská a.s.


srpen 2022 - doposud Vedoucí odboru rozvoje teplárenství, Pražská Plynárenská, a.s.

Prometheus, energetické služby, a.s. předseda dozorčí rady společnosti

červen 2022 - doposud Pražská plynárenská a.s. Vedoucí odboru rozvoje - Teplárenství. Realizace projektů, akvizic a fúzí v oblasti Teplárenství na území hl. města Praha

říjen 2016 – březen 2022 Teplárna Liberec a TERMIZO a.s. místopředseda představenstva

Tomas Vorisek

Technical Director, IEA HPT Czech Delegate


Technický ředitel společnosti, která se v současnosti manažersky a projektově podílí na přípravě hned několika zajímavých aplikací průmyslových tepelných čerpadel – v sektoru budov, teplárenství i průmyslu. Účastníci konference se tak mohou těšit na cenné zkušenosti a poznatky, které jeho organizace s přípravou konkrétních projektů u nás již má. V SEVEn Energy, s.r.o., působí od jejího založení v roce 2007. SEVEn Energy se specializuje na projekty energetických úspor realizovaných metodou EPC a energeticky či jinak inovativní způsoby využívání obnovitelných zdrojů, ať už v rámci budov, soustav zásobování teplem anebo v průmyslu. Společnost je členem asociací APES a TS ČR a od října 2023 zastupuje prostřednictvím své dceřiné společnosti SEVEn z. ú. Českou republiku v Mezinárodní energetické agentuře a jejím programu zaměřeném na mezinárodní spolupráci právě v sektoru tepelných čerpadlech.

Raymond Decorvet

Global Account Executive ETES @ MAN Energy Solutions


Raymond C. Decorvet has a degree in economics. He spent 25 years in Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in various companies and management positions. His expertise is business development, sales and marketing. For 7 years he was working for ABB in the Data Center segment looking after the largest international colocation providers. Since 2018 he works for MAN Energy Solutions Switzerland in Global Business Development for large scale heat-pumps and the new and innovative tri-generation energy management solution MAN ETES (Electro Thermal Energy Storage), which provides heat, cold & electricity.

Štefan Král

Podnikatel, developer a inovátor @ JN Infra, a.s.


První firmu zaměřenou na konzultační, vydavatelskou, marketingovou, rekvalifikační a realitní činnost založil již na vysoké škole v r. 1990. V letech 1993 až 2000 spoluvybudoval a jako CEO vedl IPB Real a.s. – v té době největší developerskou společnost v ČR. Od vyhledání vhodných pozemků až po prodej klientů realizoval více než 2 500 bytů a 100 000 m 2 komerčních prostor. Následně připravil a realizoval několik developerských projektů v zahraničí i v centru Prahy. Od roku 2021 připravuje a realizuje mimo jiné i komunitní rozvojové projekty v centru Prahy. Jedním z nich je využití energetického potenciálu vodního toku pro komunitní vytápění a chlazení. Je autorem inovativního technického a obchodního řešení, jehož premiérové představení veřejnosti je na programu konference.

Miloslav Kužela

Člen představenstva a obchodní ředitel @ TEDOM


Miloslav Kužela má doktorát z elektrotechniky na téma kvality elektrické energie v sítích. Pracoval pro několik energetických společností zabývajících se výrobou a obchodem s elektřinou a teplem v Evropě. Před nástupem do společnosti TEDOM pracoval jako ředitel společností Asekol a Asekol Solar, které se zabývají recyklací elektrických zařízení a fotovoltaických panelů. Mezi hlavní odpovědnosti Miloslava Kužely ve společnosti TEDOM patří řízení prodeje kogeneračních jednotek a energetických řešení s těmito jednotkami na domácím i zahraničním trhu.

Jochen Schaefer

Head of High Temperature Heat Pumps @ SIEMENS Energy


Jochen Schäfer is currently Head of High Temperature Heat Pumps at Siemens Energy. He is responsible for the market introduction and advancement of this new product line. Before, Jochen was heading a team of specialists optimizing energy systems for specific customer sites with respect to techno-economics. Prior to the spinoff of Siemens Energy, Jochen has worked for Siemens Corporate Technology in different research and managerial positions among others as Senior Key Expert for “Thermal Energy Conversion & Storage” and Head of Research Group “Distributed Energy Systems & Heat Conversion”. Jochen Schäfer studied Energy and Process Engineering at Technical University of Berlin and Chemical Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Subsequently, he pursued a PhD in Energy and Process Engineering from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Klaus Ramming

Leiter Thermotechnik @ AGO GmbH Energie + Anlagen


Studies at University of applied sciences in Nuremberg Doctorate at Technical University of Dresden.
Since 2007 working at AGO GmbH Energie + Anlagen in different positions Mainly developing the Thermotechnology Department of AGO and its products.

Azam Thatte, Ph.D.

Chief Scientist @ Energy Recovery, Inc. 


Dr. Azam Thatte is the Chief Scientist at Energy Recovery, Inc. where he leads the fundamental research in developing novel sustainable energy technologies like Trans-Critical CO2 Refrigeration & Heat Pumps, Thermal Energy Storage and Geothermal Power Generation, as well as component level technologies including Rotary Gas Pressure Exchanger and Turbo-Pumps. Dr. Thatte is the named inventor of PX G1300, the “Trans-Critical Rotary Pressure Exchanger” for expansion work recovery in CO2 refrigeration, which recently won the Innovation of the Year award from ATMO for increasing efficiency of low global warming CO2 refrigeration. Previously Dr. Thatte was a lead scientist at GE Research, where he led development of next generation aircraft engines like LEAP and GE 9X and several gas turbine technologies. As the P.I. on U.S. Dept. of Energy’s PREDICTS program, Dr. Thatte led the development of first megawatt scale supercritical CO2 turbine in the world. Dr. Thatte received his Ph. D from Georgia Tech and was an invited scholar at MIT. As a part of the NASA team, Dr. Thatte has also made the first discovery of an organic molecule outside our solar system. He is the author of more than 40 journal and peer reviewed conference publications and has more than 30 U.S. and international patents to his name. Dr. Thatte is the recipient of the Young Scientist award from STLE, Paul Cook Innovation award from Energy Recovery, Inc. and an invention medal from GE.

Jeroen Koot



Over 30 years of industrial experience as an international executive in the various sectors Heaten is targeting: chemicals, food, and energy. Koot has a strong background in technology and business. He has worked with VCs, and private equity funds, helping them to develop opportunities and grow their business. MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD

Tim Hamacher

Managing Partner @ SPH Sustainable Process Heat GmbH


2004 Dr. rer. nat., University of Bonn, Germany
2000 Diploma in physics from RWTH Aachen, Germany

Work experience
from 04/2020 Managing director and partner of SPH Sustainable Process Heat GmbH
02/2016 - 4/2020 General Manger of Viking Heat Engines Germany GmbH, Head of R&D
10/2010 AVL Schrick GmbH, Head of Energy System Development and Low Volume Production
02/2006 AVL Schrick GmbH, Test Factory Manager
09/2004 AVL Schrick GmbH, Test Engineer

• Working for more than 10 years in automotive development
• More then 10 years of experience with refrigeration systems likes Organic Rankine Cycle and high temperature heat pumps
• First high temperature heat pump for temperatures up 165°C realized in 2016 at Viking Heat Engines
• 3 approved patents in the field of hight temperature heat pumps and compressors, more pending

• Regular speaker on national and international heat pump conferences (IEA heat pump conference 2023 Chicago, Chillventa, DKV Meeting,..) and author of related papers
• Project leader for the company at different international research projects (Push2Heat (EU) Push2Heat , AHEAD (Austria) News - Steam without gas - AIT Austrian Institute Of

Rossen Ivanov

Managing Director EMEA @ Armstrong International S.A.


Rossen Ivanov has joined Armstrong International in 1996 and fulfilled various roles since – becoming Managing Director for the EMEA region in 2013. He has been an integral part of the development of energy-efficiency studies: initially in steam and condensate systems, then in direct process waste heat recovery and lately in Pinch studies and low grade heat recovery using high-temperature industrial heat pumps. This has resulted into Armstrong’s “Circular ThermalSM” concept that allows to transform the historical “one-way” industrial thermal systems – especially for processes requiring < 200°C (food, beverage, pharma, household products, etc.). The concept can be applied beyond the boundaries of a single site, through the cascading of high-grade and low-grade waste heat and the integration with new applications, such as hydrogen electrolyzers and carbon capture systems. Extrapolation of individual site studies results to European energy systems show that industrial waste heat recovery could significantly lower the bar for both the Decarbonization of thermal systems and the energy independence of the EU. Rossen has an MBA from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Belgium).

Leonhard Wolscht

Chief Competence Center Processengineering at cross-ING AG @ MAN Energy Solutions


Leonhard Wolscht is responsible for the dynamic simulations of the heat application systems at MAN Energy Solutions since 2020. His experience with Modelica based simulations started during his Bachelor studies with tlk Thermo GmbH in Braunschweig, Germany, before he moved to Switzerland and graduated from ETH Zurich at the department of mechanical and process engineering. Before he focused on the MAN heat pump system, Leonhard designed industrial water treatment systems and was head of the competence center for process engineering at cross-ING AG, an R&D focused swiss engineering office. Today, he analyzes the dynamic behavior of MANs heat pumps and develops and validates control and operative strategies for these systems.

Morten Deding

Director design and engineering of Heat Pump Applications @ Johnson Controls


Morten Deding is the Director design and engineering of Heat Pump Applications in JCI EMELA and has over 20 years of Industrial Refrigeration experience. Experiences as consultant, product and project manager roles in his career and is now being used in business development to influence the adoption of heat pumps, supporting electrification and de-carbonization of the heating sector. He has extensive knowledge of all types of heat pump systems, including air source, ground source, and water source heat pumps and hybrid systems that combine heat pumps with other technologies. Over the last decade he has been an entrepreneur in industrial heat pumps resulting in over more than 300 units and over 500MW of installed capacity for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. He is dedicated to go above 100°C on double digit MW heat pumps in the next decade. Morten is proficient in all aspects of heat pump technology, from system design and installation to maintenance and repair. He has a deep understanding of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, controls and electrical engineering, which enables him to optimise the performance of heat pump systems in various settings. Morten has two degrees in engineering and an MBA and his passion is enabling energy savings, utilization of waste heat and renewables in heat pumps. All solutions are matched up against the customer’s business model to ensure a full life cycle solution that provides the best net present value for the buyer.

Andrea Magalini

General Manager of the Heat Generation Business Unit @ Turboden Spa


Andrea Magalini is currently General Manager of the heat generation business unit at Turboden – MHI group company. He was sales director global for Turboden for 10 years and before worked as business development manager in the same company. He worked from 2008 to 2010 as an associate strategy consultant at McKinsey and Company serving top tier clients in the Europe, Middle East, and the US, and previously as research fellow and assistant professor in mechanical engineering, measurements, and data analytics at Università degli Studi di Brescia in Italy for 6 years. He holds a Mechanical Engineering MSc magna cum laude from Università degli Studi di Brescia and the LEAD professional certificate in leadership and innovation from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Leif Ramm-Schimdt

Managing Director @ Ramm-Schmidt Consulting Ltd Oy


Leif Ramm-Schmidt has a Ms.C. degree in Chemical Engineering from the Aato University in Finland. He has over 45 year´s experience of business management duties and technical projects in industrial water purification, food, energy and process industry sectors. He has been active in planning and designing heat pump projects and district cooling systems for several large energy companies in Finland and elsewhere all since year 2004. He is also expert on industrial waste water treatment and zero discharge systems. This includes use of membrane systems and evaporation/crystallization. Ramm-Schmidt is inventor and co-inventor of 12 patents, which among others are related to heat exchangers.

Kenneth Hoffmann

Director Product Heat Pumps @ GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies


Kenneth have worked with industrial refrigeration for more than 20 years and acquired a broad knowledge of industrial ammonia heat pump applications through many installations with capacities from 200 kW to 40,000 kW. With applications stretching from Dairies, Breweries, Food processing, Combined heat and power and district heating heat pumps. With the continued development of the market I have also been involved the exploration of new Heat Pump technologies with Hydrocarbons, CO2 and Steam.

Ingolf Hetze

Senior Process Engineer @ Heat Pump Alliance STRABAG Atlas Copco


Ingolf studied water management/wastewater treatment at the Technical University of Dresden and graduated as an engineer in 1997. He worked as a process engineer and commissioning engineer for solid waste treatment plants with biogas generation and biogas upgrading plants. Since 2017 his focus is on thermodynamic processes in the field of geothermal power plants with ORC processes and large industrial heat pumps.

Radek Begeni

Obchodní manažer @ SOKRA


Radek Begeni zahájil svoji profesionální kariéru v rodinné firmě SOKRA a rozvoj společnosti jej v roce 2002 přivedl k první instalaci absorpčního chladicího zařízení využívající teplo z kogenerační jednotky pro výrobu chladu. Po této zajímavé referenci se na našem trhu společnost SOKRA začala orientovat zejména na sorpční systémy chlazení. V oboru chlazení a klimatizace patříme k hlavním dodavatelům sorpčních chladicích jednotek v ČR, přičemž za dobu existence má naše společnost před 50 referencí v ČR, SR, Rakousku a Izraeli.

David Pearson

Group Sustainable Development Director & Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor, Edinburgh Napier University @ Star Refrigeration Ltd


Dave is a Mechanical Engineer with over 20 years of experience of life inside the UK’s largest industrial cooling contractor. With a Masters in Business Administration focused on Innovation the next step wasn’t surprising with a diversification strategy that took him and the business to delivering the world’s largest high temperature ammonia heat pump district heating solution in 2010 then more recently the UK’s largest high temperature river sourced heat pump solution in Clydebank. Engagements have included:

Chair of the Centre for Engineering Education and Development-Scotland (CEED) (business to academia knowledge sharing platform)
Former Chair of the Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform (Horizon2020)
Former Scottish Renewables Board Member
Founding member of the Industrial & Commercial Heat Pump group at the European Heat Pump Association
Panel member of various industry working groups including the Association of Decentralised Energy
Appointment to the Scottish Energy Advisory Board
Dave Pearson’s primary mission at SCEBE will be to equip our students to harness the power of renewable technology to deliver low-carbon, affordable heat to industry and entire communities and help meet the government’s decarbonisation goals.

Martin Hajek

Výkonný ředitel @ Teplárenské sdružení České republiky


Vystudoval obor Ekonomika a řízení energetiky na Elektrotechnické fakultě ČVUT v Praze. Působil v Pražské teplárenské a.s. na pozici poradce generálního ředitele pro strategii. Nyní zastává pozici výkonného ředitele Teplárenského sdružení České republiky.

Ebbe Norgaard

Sales Director - Energy sector @ FENAGY A/S


Educated as mechanical engineer at the School of engineering in Aarhus in 1999, Ebbe started work in Centre for Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology at the Danish Technological Institute in 1999 and worked there until 2013. In 2013 Ebbe started his own company DryingMate with the aim of developing an industrial drying machine suitable for integration with heat pump. DryingMate is now run by his former partner as Ebbe decided to join Fenagy in 2020 as Sales director for the utility sector.

Stephan Höflmaier

Head of Business Development @ Bilfinger Industrial Services GmbH



Program konference

Main stage day 1

Strategy outlook for large heat pumps



Dr. Jan Rosenow

Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Stephan Renz


Heat Pumping Technologies, a world-class international cooperation programme by IEA
Thomas Nowak

European Heat Pump Association

Decarbonising industry with heat pumps: holy grail or overlooked opportunity?
Uta Weiss

Agora Energiewende

Rolling out large heat pumps in Germany: unlocking potential in district heating and industry
Tomas Vorisek

SEVEn Energy

Industrial Heat Pump Market Take-off, Czech experience
Martin Hajek

Czech District Heating Association

Large heat pump potential in Czech District Heating
Petr Heincl

Prazska Plynarenska

Carbon neutral District Heating in Prague 2030


Předsedající: Mr. Tomas Caha

Miloslav Kužela


Technologies and Services for decentralized Energy generation
Štefan Král

JN Infra

Innovative energy recovery from rivers for combined heat a cold production
Klaus Ramming

AGO GmbH Energie + Anlagen

Heat pumps with solution cycle delivering high temperatures, high COP while using natural refrigerant
Raymond C. Decorvet

MAN Energy Solutions

21st Century – The age of the heat-pumps
Morten Deding

Johnson Controls

From 1MW to 60MW in a decade
Leif Ramm-Schmidt

Ramm-Schmidt Consulting Ltd Oy

Finnish experience and plans with integration of large-scale heat pumps within DHC systems
Kenneth Hoffmann

GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies

Large heat pump solutions for Eastern European District Heating
Ebbe Norgaard


CO2 Heat Pumps in Danish District Heating
David Pearson

STAR Refrigeration

Taking District Heating to absolute sustainability


Předsedající: Dr. Cordin Arpagaus

Dr. Cordin Arpagaus

OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Energy Systems (IES)

Industrial High-Temperature Heat Pumps: State of the Art, Economic Conditions, and Sustainable Refrigerants
Jochen Schäfer


High temperature heat pumps with subsequent steam compressors – a promising combination for greener process steam supply
Tim Hamacher

SPH Sustainable Process Heat GmbH

ThermBooster: Steam producing high temperature heat pump
Ingolf Hetze

STRABAG/Atlas Copco

Steam production for the industry with a High Temperature Heat Pump
Rossen Ivanov

Armstrong International S.A.

Circular Thermal™: how to put waste heat back into industrial processes and beyond
Andrea Magalini

Turboden Spa

How heat gets cool: large scale heat pumps for industrial applications
Jeroen Koot


Industrial Heat Pumps, the solution to decarbonise heat up to 200°C in the MW range


Předsedající: prof. Reinhard Radermacher

prof. Reinhard Radermacher

University of Maryland

Future of Heat Pumps
Sydney Wyatt


Ice Cream Innovation: „Scooping“ Away Carbon with Solstice Refrigerant
Leonhard Wolscht

MAN Energy Solutions

Enhancing Grid Resilience with Heat-Pump Coupled Networks and Thermal Storage
Radek Begeni


Sorption cycles
Azam Thatte, Ph.D.

Energy Recovery Inc.

Expansion Work Recovery in Industrial Heat Pumps using Innovative PX Technology
Stephan Höflmaier

Bilfinger Industrial Services GmbH

Innovative Accumulator Technologies – Perfect Solutions for Large Scale Heat Pumps

Budoucnost je elektrifikovaná, buďte připraveni!

„There is no silver bullet technology for decarbonisation, but heat pumps are the closest.“

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190 00 Praha 9-Libeň






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29. 11. — 30. 11. 2023
O2 universum

Budoucnost je elektrifikovaná, buďte připraveni!


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Popelova 399/75
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