Strategie | technologie | networking | workshopy
27.-28. 11. 2024 | O2 universum | Praha
Přehled konference

Elektrifikace výroby tepla dnes patří mezi globální trendy v dekarbonizaci. Jedna z nejvýznamnějších evropských konferencí Průmyslová tepelná čerpadla přivítá v Praze leadery z oboru, kteří představí nejnovější trendy, referenční projekty a technologické pokroky v oblasti zvyšování účinnosti celého sektoru.
Nedílnou součástí konference jsou tematické panelové diskuze s významnými členy Evropské komise, představiteli průmyslu, oborových organizací či vědy a výzkumu poskytující ucelený vhled do komplexní problematiky elektrifikace.
Pro technické fajnšmekry je připraven exkluzivní program ve formě expertních workshopů na různá témata jako sector-coupling, integrace tepelných čerpadel do soustav zásobování teplem, vysokoteplotní termální baterie, plasmové hořáky a mnoho dalšího.
Akce nabízí jedinečnou příležitost k navázání cenných mezinárodních kontaktů během slavnostního banketu s doprovodným programem v Moon Clubu v centru Prahy.
Tato konference je určena především odborníkům z oblasti strategie a řízení energetiky, průmyslu, teplárenského sektoru, facility manažerům, provozním manažerům, konzultantům, projektantům a zástupcům obcí čí akademické sféry
Keynote Speaker
Michael Liebreich
Michael Liebreich je uznávaným světovým lídrem v oblasti čistého Životního prostředí, mobilitě, technologiích, klimatu a financí.
Je předsedou představenstva a generálním ředitelem společnosti Liebreich Associates, nejznámější je ale pravděpodobně jako zakladatel Bloomberg New Energy Finance, který patří mezi špičkové světové poskytovatele informací a výzkumu o čisté energii a dopravě. Michael působí jako hostující profesor na Imperial College v Londýně a je poradcem britské obchodní Rady a členem britské pracovní skupiny pro energetickou účinnost.
V červnu 2019 byl Michael nominován do nově zřízené nezávislé globální komise Mezinárodní energetické agentury (IEA) pro urgentní úpravy legislativy v oblasti energetické účinnosti, která se zaměřuje na klíčová politická opatření, jež mohou přijmout země po celém světě.
Michael také reprezentoval Velkou Británii ve sjezdovém lyžování na olympijských hrách v Albertville v roce 1992.
Více informací na www.liebreich.com

Organizátor konference
Exergie.CZ je nezávislá poradenská společnost v oblasti energetiky, která poskytuje širokou škálu služeb se zaměřením na efektivní využívání energie. Základní kompetencí společnosti Exergie.CZ je hluboká znalost problematiky velkých tepelných čerpadel, systémů dálkového vytápění, průmyslových procesů, ZEVO a trhu s elektřinou v EU. Zpracováváme studie proveditelnosti, energetické koncepce, technical due diligence, poskytujeme služby Owner´s Engineer a mnoho dalšího.
Evropská asociace tepelných čerpadel
Hlavní strategický Partner
Hlavní stage
Strategický výhled segmentu elektrifikace, cíle a legislativa EU, možnosti financování, potenciál trhu, technologický rozvoj, překážky.
Kapacita: 400

Panelové diskuze
Panelisté z Evropské Komise, Women in Power, dekarbonizace průmyslu, flexibilita, rozvoj v teplárenství, chladiva.
Kapacita: 300
Expertní Session, workshopy
Workshopy projektů IEA HPT, akumulace tepla, sector-coupling, integrace tepelných čerpadel do systému dálkového vytápění, vysokoteplotní termální baterie, plasmové hořáky.
Kapacita: max. 90

Paul Kenny
Director General @ European Heat Pump Association
Paul is a mechanical engineer with a Master’s degree in energy and is recognised as a leading energy policy expert in Ireland and the EU. Paul ran a local energy agency – an organisation promoting the transition to clean energy at a local level – for eight years. As part of this role he established an early and successful one stop shop, which brings together home energy upgrade services for consumers. He worked as an expert for the EU’s ManagEnergy programme, which supports local and regional governments as they work towards their energy savings targets.
More recently he has worked as the policy advisor to the Irish climate and energy Minister, having helped steer the transformation of the Irish energy system with a significant increase in building renovation, a large increase in heat pump and other renewable energy technology deployment. A recent publication shows Ireland has reduced its overall greenhouse gas emissions by 6.8% in 2023 vs 2022 to reach the lowest levels in 30 years, and this alongside a thriving economy. Ireland is projected to reach a 43% reduction in energy related greenhouse gas emissions from 2018 to 2030 according to the Irish Environmental Protection Agency new policies scenario.

Jonathan Volt
Project Officer @ Joint Research Centre, European Comission
Jonathan Volt is a political scientist and energy efficiency expert with more than 7 years of experience analysing ways to decarbonise the EU building stock. He has published numerous topical papers at the JRC and during his time at BPIE, on topics like smart thermal networks, Minimum Energy Performance Standards, Building Passports, One-Stop Shops for renovations, and Digital Building Logbooks. Jonathan is currently working on publications on heat pumps, heating & cooling issues and the EU Emission Trading System.

David JP Philips
Public Speaker, Coach, Best Selling Author, 11M views on TEDx
Storytelling is one of the worlds most ancient but at the same time most influential communication techniques and works wonders in sales, leadership and marketing! We follow the story, not the person. This talk is the worlds most viewed TEDx-talk and will give a tremendous insight WHY storytelling is king and HOW to get it right from a science perspective. David is international speaker, author, coach and a global authority on public speaking, communication and self-leadership. He was recently awarded as global communication expert No 8 by global gurus., He is best-known for his three TEDx-Talks, the first one being ”How To Avoid Death By PowerPoint”, the second ”The Magical Science of Storytelling” and the third, “THE 110STEPS of excellent communication” together accumulating a total of 12 million views. Add to that 200 million views on social media in the last 2 years and the best selling book “High on Life, translated to 34 languages.

Martin Bursik
President EREF, Senior Environmental Advisor @ Czech Renewable Energy Chamber, city of Prague
Martin Bursik is a Czech politician. Bursík has twice served as Minister of Environmnet and and is also former chairman of the Green Party. Martin is also a Co-founder of the Czech Renewable Energy Chamber and working as President of EREF (European Renewable Energies Federation). He is also Chair of the Prague City Council Committee on Sustainable Energy and Climate.

Luigi Gigliotti
Associate Partner, Platform for Industrial Electrification leader @ McKinsey&Company
I am an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company based in Geneva, Switzerland and I serve Industrial & Electronics, Automotive and Private Equity clients.
I am the leader and co-founder of McKinsey Platform for Industrial Electrification and I serve industrial clients in developing and implementing their electrification strategies, as well as uplifting theirs supply chains’ resilience to secure the net-zero transition. Furthermore, I co-lead McKinsey Machinery & industrial Automation client segment in Europe.

Henry Lawson
Co-Founder & Managing Partner @ EcoPragma Capital LLP
Henry Lawson is a proven business leader and investor. He has generated over $1bn of value growth for investors in media business systems while that industry was undergoing the same digitisation wave as is now disrupting the real asset space.

Raymond Decorvet
Global Account Executive Mega heat-pumps @ MAN Energy Solutions
Raymond C. Decorvet has a degree in economics. His expertise is business development, sales and marketing. He spent 25 years in Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in various companies and management positions. For 7 years he was working for ABB in the Data Center segment looking after the largest international colocation providers. Since mid of 2018 he works for MAN Energy Solutions Switzerland in Global Business Development for Mega heat-pumps.

David Onderek
Director of Heat Infra Segment @ EP Infrastructure
Mr. Onderek has been the Director of Heat Infra Segment since 9 May 2016.
Mr. Onderek has also been the director of heat and cogeneration division and the head of investment committee of EPE since March 2013.
Mr. Onderek is also the chairman of the board of directors of UE, EVO – Komořany, a.s., Severočeská teplárenská, a.s., United Energy Invest, a.s. and PT měření, a.s.; a member of the board of directors of PLTEP, Plzeňská teplárenská SERVIS IN a.s., EP Real Estate, a.s., EOP, EP Sourcing, a.s, EPC and EP Resources CZ a.s.; managing director of AISE, s.r.o., “GABIT spol. s r.o.”, EP Cargo Deutschland GmbH, EP CARGO POLSKA s.a., Střelničná reality s.r.o., Malešice Reality s.r.o., Zálesí Reality s.r.o., Power Reality s.r.o., Lirostana s.r.o., EPRE Reality s.r.o. and United Energy Moldova, s.r.o.; chairman of the supervisory board of PT Properties I, a.s., PT Properties II, a.s., PT Properties III, a.s., RPC, a.s.; Nové Modřany, a.s.; and Kardašovská Properties a.s.; member of the supervisory board of EP COAL TRADING POLSKA S.A., Colora, a.s. and Energetické opravny, a.s.; and a member of the management board of Nadační fond pro rozvoj vzdělávání.
Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Onderek worked as the head of portfolio development at ČEZ, a.s., a leading Czech energy company.

Benjamin Zühlsdorf
Innovation Director @ Danish Technological Institute
Benjamin Zühlsdorf is a renowned expert in decarbonization of industrial process heating and works as the Innovation Director at the Danish Technological Institute. Benjamin’s activities focus on bringing new technologies into application through technology development, test and large-scale demonstration, as well as consultancy of industrial end-users. He is specialized in everything related to decarbonization of industrial process heating, such as industrial heat pumps, electric boilers and thermal storage.
He holds a PhD about industrial heat pumps from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and has several years of experience as participant and coordinator of national and international R&D activities.
Benjamin is furthermore coordinating Annex 58 about high-temperature heat pumps as part of the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies within the IEA, with participants from 14 countries.

Kim Gardø Christensen
Started as engineer at Danish Technological Institute in 1995 and worked as general manager for the refrigeration department from 2001. Founded Advansor in 2006 and stayed as CEO for Advansor until 2018.
Working with start-ups as Business Engel and advisor business focusing on sustainable growth of businesses within environmental and energy sector.
Co-founded Fenagy during the summer 2020 with the ambition to create a professional OEM in the field of industrial refrigeration and electrical heat pumps based on natural refrigerants. Fifty percent of Fenagy was acquired by Beijer Ref in 2021.
Today working as CEO of Fenagy with around 100 employees and a board member of several companies mainly in the field of energy and sustainability.

Andreas Mück
Managing Director @ SPH Sustainable Process Heat GmbH
Andreas is a mechanical engineer by profession, and he has worked with piston engines most of his life. At AVL Schrick he held various positions, including Head of engine development and Head of AVL’s engine manufacturing center, and he also served as project manager of various large engine development projects for the world´s largest car manufacturer.
Around a decade ago he made the jump from combustion engines to heat pump compressors, and in the past couple of years he has designed and developed SPH’s high temperature piston compressor, from scratch.

Sem Oxenaar
Associate @ Regulatory Assistance Project
Sem Oxenaar uses his strong expertise in (EU) energy and buildings policy to support RAP’s work on heat decarbonisation and energy efficiency. Part of the Europe team, he leads RAP’s EU work on district heating, and enjoys venturing into related topics such as energy communities and industry.
Before joining RAP in 2022, he worked for REScoop.eu — the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives — leading their work on building renovation. As part of this role Oxenaar advocated on behalf of energy communities and cooperatives in Europe with the EU institutions, and was part of the Steering Committee of the Coalition for Energy Savings.
Earlier, Sem Oxenaar worked for DRIFT, a research and advisory institute at Erasmus University Rotterdam that focuses on sustainability transitions. There he supported mainly public-sector clients with climate and energy policy questions, did research on topics such as prosumerism and fossil fuel phase-outs, and taught courses to students and professionals on the energy transition.
Oxenaar holds a Master of Science in integrated natural resource management from Humboldt University of Berlin and a bachelor’s in liberal arts and sciences, with a concentration on environmental economics and policy, from Amsterdam University College in the Netherlands.
In addition to his native Dutch, he speaks fluent English, German and French. Sem is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Moritz Hübel
Industry Director for Energy & Process @ Modelon
Moritz Hübel is Industry Director for Energy & Process at Modelon. He joined Modelon in 2019 in Hamburg, Germany and has been working with providing modelling and simulation solutions for customers from the Energy & Power industries and managing Modelon’s global team of energy experts. Prior to joining Modelon, he has been working with customer and research projects for the Center of Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics (FVTR GmbH), managing the energy system simulation team. Moritz received his PhD in Thermodynamics & Power engineering from Rostock University in 2016. His PhD project was focused on flexibility optimization of large-scale thermal power plants using Modelica solutions for thermodynamic system simulation. He also holds a degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on energy systems and thermodynamics.

Martin Sauer
Senior Policy Officer @ Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic

Arne Høeg
CEO @ Enerin AS
MSc Mechanical engineering and thermo-dynamics, with more than 20 years of experience with energy technology and industrialization.
Founder, CEO and inventor at Single-Phase Power AS.
Partner at Adigo Mekatronikk AS, project manager for R&D projects for subsea drones, machine vision systems, medical technology.
CTO at Sigma Elektroteknisk AS.

Davide Rizzi
Application Engineer @ Turboden SpA
Davide Rizzi is Sales Engineer at Turboden, responsible for Large Heat Pump application in industrial processes.
He started his journey in Turboden as engineer in charge of energy efficiency project in the O&G industry, working in project in North America and Middle East.
Now, together with the Large Heat Pump team, he develops energy efficiency solutions based on Large Heat Pump implementation in industrial processes, helping industries to decarbonize their assets.
Davide Rizzi holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Università degli Studi di Brescia with major in industrial processes. During his studies, he joined the National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan as research fellow working with Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

Wissam Rached
Europe & MEA Technical Leader @ Honeywell
Wissam is a Technical Leader based in France. Currently, he manages the technologies performances improvement program withing EU Honeywell technical team. Within the last 24 years, Wissam had the opportunities to work on different R&D projects on energy storage, energy conversion and refrigerants development. His focus is on compression system applications like refrigeration, heat pump or organic Rankine cycle. Wissam earned a PhD in Energy from the university “Ecole des MINES Paritech” in Paris.

Dominique Silva
Marketing Leader EMEA @ Trane Technologies
Dominique Silva is the EMEA Marketing Leader at Trane Technologies, responsible for
developing and executing marketing strategies that aim at building awareness and creating demand for sustainable HVAC and transport refrigeration solutions. As a mechanical engineer with a passion for climate innovation and story-telling, Dominique has served in a variety of roles in the company, including product management, brand management and enterprise innovation. Her proudest achievements include launching several innovative heat pump product lines in Europe. More recently, she led an open innovation crowdsourcing program that leveraged the power of people and purpose to identify and develop solutions for some of the world’s greatest absurdities. Dominique has a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon, as well as a dual-degree MBA from the University of Manchester and Kelley Business

Tomas Vorisek
Technical Director, IEA HPT Czech Delegate @ SEVEn Energy
Technický ředitel společnosti, která se v současnosti manažersky a projektově podílí na přípravě hned několika zajímavých aplikací průmyslových tepelných čerpadel – v sektoru budov, teplárenství i průmyslu. Účastníci konference se tak mohou těšit na cenné zkušenosti a poznatky, které jeho organizace s přípravou konkrétních projektů u nás již má. V SEVEn Energy, s.r.o., působí od jejího založení v roce 2007. SEVEn Energy se specializuje na projekty energetických úspor realizovaných metodou EPC a energeticky či jinak inovativní způsoby využívání obnovitelných zdrojů, ať už v rámci budov, soustav zásobování teplem anebo v průmyslu. Společnost je členem asociací APES a TS ČR a od října 2023 zastupuje prostřednictvím své dceřiné společnosti SEVEn z. ú. Českou republiku v Mezinárodní energetické agentuře a jejím programu zaměřeném na mezinárodní spolupráci právě v sektoru tepelných čerpadlech.

Simon Lintu
Senior Manager @ Fortum
Simon Lintu is senior manager based in Finland. He currently leads a development team responsible for technical development in electricity-based district heating solutions. From R&D governance to new technical solutions and scaling-up new products and production plants.
In the last years Simon have introduced new solutions for decarbonising district heating in Espoo Finland, including over 130MW of heat pumps, over 300MW of electrode boiler capacity and over 1600MWh of thermal energy storages.

Günther Hein
CEO @ AGO GmbH Energie + Anlagen
Studied Mechanical Engineering in Cape Town South Africa. CEO at AGO Energie & Anlagen since 2011. Responsibilities within the company: Business Development, Marketing, Sales, Production, Plant Engineering, Research and Development.

Jiri Gavor
Jednatel a výkonný ředitel @ ENA, Asociace nezávslých dodavatelů energie
Je absolventem Českého vysokého učení technického, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská (ČVUT – FJFI), kandidát fyzikálně technických věd. Působil jako vysokoškolský pedagog, výzkumný pracovník v energetice a od roku 1992 jako zakladatel, majitel a řídící pracovník konzultační firmy ENA. Zároveň je výkonným ředitelem ANDE – Asociace nezávislých dodavatelů energií. Je specialistou na vývoj energetických trhů, relace cen, daní a konkurenceschopnosti veškerých druhů paliv a energií. Řada jeho studií se týkala možností uplatnění pokročilých energetických technologií a energetických úspor včetně hodnocení jejich ekonomické efektivnosti. Řídí energetické audity velkých průmyslových podniků. K těmto tématům pravidelně publikuje, včetně prezentací na mezinárodních konferencích. Spolupracuje s řadou prestižních institucí včetně mezinárodních arbitrážních tribunálů. Angažuje se rovněž při formování názorů na směřování státní energetické koncepce ČR a dalších aktuálních problémů energetiky, včetně spolupráce se sdělovacími médii všech typů. Je členem Výboru pro udržitelnou energetiku při Vládě ČR.

Jeroen Koot
Over 30 years of industrial experience as an international executive in the various sectors Heaten is targeting: chemicals, food, and energy. Koot has a strong background in technology and business. He has worked with VCs, and private equity funds, helping them to develop opportunities and grow their business. MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD

Rossen Ivanov
Managing Director EMEA @ Armstrong International S.A.
Rossen Ivanov has joined Armstrong International in 1996 and fulfilled various roles since – becoming Managing Director for the EMEA region in 2013. He has been an integral part of the development of energy-efficiency studies: initially in steam and condensate systems, then in direct process waste heat recovery and lately in Pinch studies and low grade heat recovery using high-temperature industrial heat pumps. This has resulted into Armstrong’s “Circular ThermalSM” concept that allows to transform the historical “one-way” industrial thermal systems – especially for processes requiring < 200°C (food, beverage, pharma, household products, etc.). The concept can be applied beyond the boundaries of a single site, through the cascading of high-grade and low-grade waste heat and the integration with new applications, such as hydrogen electrolyzers and carbon capture systems. Extrapolation of individual site studies results to European energy systems show that industrial waste heat recovery could significantly lower the bar for both the Decarbonization of thermal systems and the energy independence of the EU. Rossen has an MBA from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Belgium).

Adeline Houtart
Policy Officer @ EHPA
Adeline holds a bachelor of law and a bachelor of political sciences from the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles. As well as a Master of Law of the KU Leuven. Next to her diplomas, she took a number of extra credits in Statistic Data Sciences, Judicial Germany, Economics and Sustainable Architecture.
In parallel to her studies Adeline was involved in various student associations enabling her to experience working in boards, learn about governance, eloquence and leadership. Additionally, she took part of a data science consultancy project and participated to computer science workshops.
On January 2024, Adeline joined the Policy Team of EHPA as Policy Officer, where she will work on digitalisation.

Milan Simonik
Prinicpal Consultant @ Exergie Česká republika
Milan Šimoním po studiu na VUT v Brně nastoupil v roce 1990 do První brněnské strojírny (pozdějiA BB/ALSTOM). Jako projektant se účastnil výstavby elektráren a tepláren v Česku i v zahraničí. V letech 2008-2014 byl členem společného týmu ČEZ-MOL, který připravoval projekty paroplynových elektráren v Maďarsku a na Slovensku. Následně se v PSG-lnternational podílel na modernizaci Teplárny Planá nad Lužnicí. V současnosti je technickým poradcem sdružení COGEN Czech a hlavním konzultantem ve společnosti Exergie republika, s.r.o., kde zúročuje hluboké technické znalosti z přípravy a realizace energetických staveb. Mezi jeho specializace patří regulatorní prostředí trhu s elektřinou a teplem.

Raffaele dal Pozzo
Application specialist @ Enerblue Srl
He has decades of experience in the HVAC sector, developed at manufacturing companies within North Italy's HVAC systems.
At Enerblue, Raffaele is the pre-sales contact for projects involving heat pumps and chillers, including both standard applications and special solutions designed to meet the specific needs of key customers.

Kenneth Hoffmann
Director Product Heat Pumps @ GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies
Kenneth have worked with industrial refrigeration for more than 20 years and acquired a broad knowledge of industrial ammonia heat pump applications through many installations with capacities from 200 kW to 40,000 kW. With applications stretching from Dairies, Breweries, Food processing, Combined heat and power and district heating heat pumps. With the continued development of the market I have also been involved the exploration of new Heat Pump technologies with Hydrocarbons, CO2 and Steam.

Joachim Dias
Managing Consultant @ ERM
Joachim Dias is an expert in low carbon energy transition. He is a managing consultant in in ERM’s Sustainable Energy Solutions team with over five years’ experience in heat decarbonisation, energy system optimisation and modelling, and corporate decarbonisation.
He has led modelling projects assessing the impact of heat pump flexibility on the UK grid and the wider energy system for clients such as Innovate UK, Kensa (heat pump manufacturer), and National Grid.
He has managed several high-profile heat decarbonisation and whole energy system modelling projects in the past including the development of the GB Spatial heat decarbonisation model, which served as the core modelling tool for National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios modelling since 2021.
Before joining ERM, Joachim completed his Ph.D. in material design at the University of Cambridge.

Radek Begeni
Radek Begeni zahájil svoji profesionální kariéru v rodinné firmě SOKRA a rozvoj společnosti jej v roce 2002 přivedl k první instalaci absorpčního chladicího zařízení využívající teplo z kogenerační jednotky pro výrobu chladu. Po této zajímavé referenci se na našem trhu společnost SOKRA začala orientovat zejména na sorpční systémy chlazení. V oboru chlazení a klimatizace patříme k hlavním dodavatelům sorpčních chladicích jednotek v ČR, přičemž za dobu existence má naše společnost před 50 referencí v ČR, SR, Rakousku a Izraeli.

Sophie Worofka
Process engineer @ STRABAG Umwelttechnik GmbH
Sophie studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden and graduated as an engineer in 2022. She worked as a process engineer for a large energy provider in Saxony. In 2023 she joined STRABAG as a process engineer with her focus on thermodynamic processes in the field of large industrial heat pumps.

Jochen Schäfer
Head of High Temperature Heat Pumps @ SIEMENS Energy
JochenSchäfer is currently Head of High Temperature Heat Pumps at Siemens Energy. He is responsible for the market introduction and advancement of this new product line. Before, Jochen was heading a team of specialists optimizing energy systems for specific customer sites with respect to techno-economics. Prior to the spinoff of Siemens Energy, Jochen has worked for Siemens Corporate Technology in different research and managerial positions among others as Senior Key Expert for “Thermal Energy Conversion & Storage” and Head of Research Group “Distributed Energy Systems & Heat Conversion”. Jochen Schäfer studied Energy and Process Engineering at Technical University of Berlin and Chemical Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Subsequently, he pursued a PhD in Energy and Process Engineering from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Stephan Höflmaier
Head of Business Development @ Bilfinger Industrial Services GmbH

Arjun Arya
Senior Environmental Engineering Lead, Engineering Solutions @ Philip Morris International (PMI)
Arjun is a part of the Environmental Engineering department of global operations at PMI, he leads the innovation pipeline towards the Net Zero pathway of PMI with a focus on industrial electrification. He holds an MSc in Energy & Sustainability from EPFL Switzerland and is actively engaged in bringing cleantech innovations as building blocks in the net zero pathway of industry. Before PMI he worked in academia including ETH Zurich-PSI and then followed a career in Swiss-Indian Start up scaling up renewable energy technologies and also led the operations of an NGO in India restoring lakes and biodiversity.

René Mulvad
CEO @ Exodraft Energy
René Mulvad holds a Bachelor’s degree in Technology Management and Marine Engineering from 2006. Since then, he has covered several manager roles within the HVAC and Refrigeration market focusing on product and system design of heat exchangers. In 2015 he joined Exodraft Group as CTO to lead the strategy transition towards new Renewable Energy Systems for cooling and heating with the aim to innovate new heating solutions for the industry. In 2019 Exodraft Energy was created to develop and install large scale heat pumps and energy systems for district heating industry. René was appointed CEO for Exodraft Energy and have ever since been heading the company to it’s current position as one of the leading technical supplier of large scale heat pumps based on natural refrigerants.

Filip Tesar
Co-Founder & CEO @ sCOP

Jiri Vecka
Managing Director @ Czech District Heating Association

Daniel Galis
Associate, Energy @ World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Daniel Galis co-leads the heat decarbonization workstream within WBCSD, where he collaborates with multinational companies to advance the implementation of low-carbon heating solutions for low-temperature industrial applications. His work also focuses on exploring innovative business models, including heat as a service, to facilitate renewable heat supply. Daniel has a background in law and business strategy with focus on the energy transition.

Niklas Johansson
Commercial Product Manager @ E.ON

Jan Hicl
Chief Product Officer (CPO) @ Delta Green

Nikola Pokorny
Senior Researcher @ CTU UCEEB

Tomas Matuska
Head of building energy system department @ CTU UCEEB

Jan Spale
Head of INTENS Research team @ CTU UCEEB

Ivan Rangelov
Business Development Manager Industrial Heat Pumps @ Danfoss Climate Solutions

Gerald Zotter
Head of Product Management @ ecop Technologies GmbH

Lenka Vanek
Head of Innovation and Decarbonisation @ CEZ ESCO
Program konference
Den 1
Main stage day 1
Strategy outlook for large heat pumps
Petr Hladík
Minister of Environment of the Czech Republic
Welcome speech
Michael Liebreich
Liebreich Associate, founder of BNEF, KEYNOTE Speech
Rocky Road to Net-Zero
Paul Kenny
Director General, European Heat Pump Association
Revolutionizing the EU energy system with heat pumps: trends and opportunities
Jonathan Volt
Project Officer @ Joint Research Centre, European Comission
The Heat Pump Wave: Drivers and Challenges
David JP Philips
Public Speaker, Coach, Best Selling Author, 11M views on TEDx, David JP Philips
The magical power of Storytelling
11.00 - 12.00
Michael Liebreich
Liebreich Associates, founder of BNEF
Martin Bursik
President EREF, Senior Environmental Advisor @ Czech Renewable Energy Chamber, city of Prague
Henry Lawson
Co-Founding and Managing Partner @ EcoPragma Capital LLP
Sander Geelen
Managing Director @ Geelen Counterflow
Luigi Gigliotti
Associate Director, Platform for Industrial Electrification leader @ McKinsey&Co.
PANEL DISCUSSION: Electrification of heat: The time has come
Main stage day 1
Heat Pumps for District Heating
Gerald Zotter
Head of Product Management @ ecop Technologies GmbH
The New Rotational Heat Pump for High-Efficiency Waste Heat Utilization: Exergetic Advantages When the Cycle Matches the Application
Kenneth Hoffmann
Director Product Heat Pumps @ GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies
Heating and cooling for large hospital campus area
Günther Hein
CEO @ AGO GmbH Energie + Anlagen
High Temperature Heat Pumps – applications and experiences
Stephan Hoflmaier
Head of Business Development, Bilfinger Industrial Services
Large Scale Heat-Pump & Heat-Storage Solutions
Dr Wissam Rached, Simon Lintu
Europe & MEA Technical Leader @ Honeywell, Fortum
A novel heat pump configuration for very cold weather district heating
Jochen Schäfer
Head of High-temperature Heat Pumps @ SIEMENS Energy
Large-scale heat pumps – three key projects paving the path to green district heating in Germany
Raymond C. Decorvet
Global Account Executive Mega heat-pumps @ Man Energy Solutions
MEGA Heat-Pumps for District Heating
Axel Huber
Sales Director @ STRABAG Umwelttechnik
Experience with the permitting of flammable, natural refrigerants in large heat pumps
Kim Christensen
Large scale air source heat pumps – opportunities and challenges
Panel Discussion day 1
Industry Decarbonisation
Benjamin Zühlsdorf
Innovation Director, Danish Technological Institute
Rossen Ivanov
Managing Director EMEA, Armstrong International
Arjun Arya
Senior Environmental Engineering Lead, Engineering Solutions, Philip Morris International
Martin Sauer
Senior Policy Officer, Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
Dominique Silva
Regional Marketing Leader, Trane Technologies
Fabian Ahrendts
Manager Competence Centre High Temperature Heat Pumps, Fraunhofer IEG
Decarbonising the industry - why it matters?
Jonathan Volt
Policy Officer @ JRC, European Comission
Lenka Vanek
Head of Innovation and Decarbonisation @ CEZ ESCO
Daniel Galis
Associate Energy, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Jeroen Koot
CEO, Heaten
Tomas Vorisek
Technical Director, IEA HPT Czech Delegate, SEVEn Energy
Dolf Joekes
Managing Director, AtmosZero Europe
Industrial Electrification Action Plan
Expert Session day 1
Workshops, Expert Session
sCOP Expert Session
Filip Tesar, Co-Founder @ sCOP
Kim G Christensen, Co-Founder, CEO @ FENAGY
Raffaele dal Pozzo, Application specialist @ Enerblue
Design of Large-Scale Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: CFD Analysis and System Optimization
Guidelines for R-290 Heat Pump Installation
Raffaele Dal Pozzo will present Enerblue's expertise in R-290 propane heat pumps and chillers. The talk will introduce Enerblue’s experience with R-290 technology, covering propane’s safety features, EN 378 compliance, and ATEX classifications for safe installations, along with safety protocols for potential leaks.
Bilfinger Industrial Services
Stephan Höflmaier, Head of Business Development, Engineering & Maintenance Industrial Solutions
Christian Hofer, Business Unit Manager - Energy Storage & Distribution
Martin Dittrich, Business Development Director, CEE Engineering, Energy sector
Martin Papež, Energy Projects Specialist
Bilfinger Energy Transition solutions
We will discuss in this session latest market trends, solutions, selected case studies and why Bilfinger is repositioning itself as a leader in increasing efficiency and sustainability.
Den 2
Main stage day 2
High-temperature Heat Pumps for Industry
Benjamin Zühlsdorf
Innovation Director, Danish Technological Institute
Annex 58 - critical mass reached!
Rossen Ivanov
Managing Director EMEA, Armstrong International
Circular ThermalSM – Efficiently Integrating High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Industrial Processes
André Bechem
Head of Market Research, Sales and Customer Journey @ Heaten
Heat pumps to decarbonize heat up to 200°C in the MW range
Davide Rizzi
Application Engineer, Turboden SpA
Towards the decarbonization of industrial processes and district heating networks through large heat pumps
Arne Høeg
CEO, Enerin AS
The HoegTemp – the simple system integration and interaction with thermal storages
Andreas Mück
Managing Director, SPH Sustainable Process Heat GmbH
Electrifying Industrial Heat: The Role of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in a Carbon-Free Future
Main stage day 2
Innovative technologies, Sector Coupling
Moritz Hübel
Industry Director for Energy & Process @ Modelon
Accelerating and de-risking large heat pump control and system design with transient system simulation
Radek Begeni
CTO @ Sokra
Geothermal booster with Absorption heat exchanger
Niklas Johansson
Commercial Product Manager @ E.ON
Circular Energy with E.ON ectogrid™
Arne Hoeg
Enerin AS
Davide Rizzi
Turboden SpA
Towards the decarbonization of industrial processes and district heating networks through large heat pumps
Panel Discussion day 2
Panel discussion
Milan Šimoník
Hlavní konzultant, Exergie Česká republika
David Onderek
Ředitel - teplárenství, EP Infrastructure
Jiří Gavor
Jednatel ENA, předseda Asociace nezávislých dodavatelů energie (ANDE)
Jiří Vecka
Výkonný ředitel, Teplárenské sdružení České republiky
Tomáš Voříšek
Technický ředitel, delegát IEA HPT, SEVEn Energy
Velká tepelná čerpadla v teplárenství: Česká cesta
Adeline Houtart
Digital Policy Officer @ European Heat Pump Association
Ivan Rangelov
Business Development Manager Industrial Heat Pumps @ Danfoss Climate Solutions
Jan Hicl
CPO @ Delta Green
Stephan Hoflmaier
Head of business development @ Bilfinger Industrial Solutions
Joachim Dias
Managing Consultant @ ERM
Heat Pumps Flexibility: Decarbonisation holy grail
Expert Session day 2
Workshops, Expert Session
Industrial heat pumps in CTU UCEEB research projects
Nikola Pokorny, Senior Researcher @ CTU UCEEB
Tomas Matuska, Head of building energy system department @ CTU UCEEB
Jan Spale, Head of INTENS Research team @ CTU UCEEB
P2H4Cities: This project is adressing various scenarios of P2H technology integrated into existing DH systems across CZ cities. Results from multiple simulation studies support the project’s primary objective: developing a methodology and support tools for strategic planning and effective decarbonization of district heating systems in the Czech Republic.
SYNERGYS: Unique infrastructure research and testing project focused on renewable energy sources to be developed in the Litomerice city in the Czech Republic. Complex energy system will combine deep geothermal wells, seasonal heat storage, solar thermal, PV, hydrogen and high temperature heat pumps for renewable heat supply to local district heating system.
INTENS: An overview of CTU’s key activities in two pivotal research areas: a) development of an industrial-scale high-temperature heat pump screw compressor, and b) working fluid selection for high-temperature heat pumps within real-world technical constraints and EU regulatory guidelines. The newly established INTENS (Industrial Thermal Energy Systems) research group presents its advancements and future focus in industrial heat pump technology.
Integrace velkého tepelného čerpadla do stávající soustavy CZT
Tomas Miklik, Senior Technologist @ Exergie.CZ
Milan Simonik, Principal Consultant @ Exergie.CZ
Cílem přednášky je seznámit posluchače s možnostmi integrace tepelného čerpadla do stávající teplárenské infrastruktury, která je vybavena kogeneračními jednotkami, elektrickými kotli a akumulátorem tepla. Zřetel bude kladena na správný návrh primárního okruhu a budou vysvětleny i výhody či nevýhody různých zdrojů tepla (říční voda a vzduch). Tato přednáška bude vedena v Českém jazyce.
začíná zde!
„There is no silver bullet technology for decarbonisation, but heat pumps are the closest.“
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27.-28. 11. 2024
O2 universum
Exergie Česká republika s.r.o.
Popelova 399/75
620 00 Brno
IČO: 17995850 DIČ: CZ17995850
Vstupenka konference16 500 Kč
Večerní banket5 000 Kč
*ceny jsou bez DPH
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